Where can I find a map and/or directions to your office?

 Find a map to our office, as well as contact information and hours on our contact page.

What insurances do you accept?

A complete list of insurances we accept is listed on our insurance page. If your insurance is not listed, or you have no coverage, please contact our office. We would be happy to work with you regarding payment.

Are the doctors accepting new patients?

Yes! Both doctors are currently taking new patients.

I have a billing question. Who can I call?

Call our office at (480) 621-3505 and press 4 to reach the billing department.

How can I transfer records to or from another doctor?

To request records from another doctor:

Fill out and print our records request form and fax or mail it to the office you are requesting records from.

To request our office transfer records to another doctor:

Fill out and print our records release form and fax or mail it to us. Our fax number and mailing address can be found on our contact page.